Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Two Headed Monster

The Two Headed Monster

By Kathy Clark

Have you ever heard that anything with two heads is a monster? When it comes to christian marriage the biblical pattern is to only have one head, the husband is the head of the wife, and Christ is the head of man.

Ephesians 5:23-25

"For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.

Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so [let] the wives [be] to their own husbands in every thing.

Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;"

In the day and age in which we live wives submitting to their husbands is considered an old fashioned travesty, but in actuality it is a blessing. I have been married for 41 years to my husband and have found that submission is the makings of a great marriage. Let me first say my husband did not ask me to submit to him, God did. And why, because there just can't be two heads on a healthy body.

Submission is not something that we women have to do, but something we get to do. There is a big difference. The man being the head, and the women next in authority is not a curse but a difference of office. One is not greater or less than the other, just walking in different callings.

I will just tell you in simple language what I do when a difference of opinion arises. I tell my husband what I think we should do, that is being a help-meet, then if he differs from my opinion, I leave the final decision in his hands, and look over the top of his head at God, knowing that if my life is consecrated unto Him, He will make my steps go where they are supposed to, and supply all my need according to His riches in glory. God is able to use circumstances, even when I don't necessarily like the choices that have been made, work out for my good. Now I will not compromise on morality, or dishonesty, but the day to day things can be left in the hands of God for the final outcome through my husbands headship.

Ladies how many of you have arguments all the time with your husbands over money? Most huh? Well first of all you don't need to buy stuff just because it's on sale. That, "hey I have to hit every sale to save money" can drive you into debt, that even goes for the thrift store. How many shirts, dresses, and pants do your really "need"? How many of anything?  Do you and your husband have issues every time you try to balance the bills at  the end of the month and he can't figure out where the money went to? Then give the check book over to him, and decide together what you will, and will not buy, and peace will begin to reign in your house. You might say well he will not be careful with the money, he won't give me what I need. Well we really don't "need" much, we want much. Now I am talking to women with christian husbands here. Your man that stands before God will only over spend a few times when he is in authority over the money before he will learn he has to be a good steward. He will have nobody to blame but himself. And  you will have to resist the temptation to say I told you so. You need to allow God to deal with the situation. Tell him what you think would be the wise use of the money and then leave it to God and him. He will become the man. I would also suggest if you don't have cash, either save for it, or don't buy it. Debt is not even biblical principle.

Romans 13:8

"Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law. "

How do I know, because I have lived it. My husband used to be mad at me at the end of every month and wanted to know where all the money went. I am sure I could have bought less books, my weakness, but the money just wasn't as big as he thought it was, and when I finally handed him the checkbook he found that out. It took him a few months to adjust but now his is an extremely responsible man when it comes to money, and in other areas too. The down side for us women is that we are now reduced to having to ask if things fit into the household budget, we don't like that much, we like being spontaneous, and going our own way. However when we are able to lay our pride, and covetousness down, we will see we really don't need much but love, and that will be given much more freely when the rest of our lives are in order. By the way I gave him the checkbook in 1986 and certainly don't regret it. He has truly become the man.

I have found that submission is a lovely word. I can tell my husband what I think in any given situation, and then walk away knowing that he respects my opinion, because I respect his, and he is very careful to try to make the right final decision. Sometimes my flesh doesn't like it when he says no about something I want, but I get over it. Now I  am free from strife in my household. I am never looking back, and I certainly am not lacking any good thing. God made men to lead, it is in their natures, and when we de-masculate them by usurping their authority they become less than men, they become hen pecked, and their buddies make fun of them. We need to allow our men to be all they can be. As I said it isn't a curse but an office of differing degrees of authority. But I promise you that this will change the entire atmosphere of your home. You will find as you walk this out that your husband will find you more valuable than the most magnificent rubies, and as my little picture above shows he will bring out of himself for you the deep things he could never give before because he feels safe with you. you will fit together like hand and glove. Praise the Lord of His wonderful plan, and order.

Proverbs 31:10-12

"Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price [is] far above rubies.

The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil.

She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life."

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  1. Kathy, This is a tough thing to live out, especially for the daughters of feminists. I think you've pointed out the essential thing: faith that God will take care of you. It's also hard for women who are married to men who aren't Christians. Unfortunately some men have used biblical justification for abuse, which isn't what God intends at all. On the other hand, some women have used cultural justifications for not being the wives God intends for them to be. It really comes down to having the right heart. Imagine that! :-) Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

    1. I think a great part of the problem is a competitive spirit that has permeated every part of society, even christian society. If we know that we are all called to specific callings, and none is better than the other, then what we are doesn't matter, just that we are obedient to that calling, even being a wife and mother is a calling, a very important one, and it takes a tough cookie to be able to submit, but as I say it's a blessing if your do things after God's pattern. It brings freedom and order.
