Saturday, April 11, 2015

The Parable of the Wound by Kathy Clark

April 11,2015

The Parable of the Wound - by Kathy Clark

This morning I was pondering the fact that some people are discouraged because they are not used in the same way that God uses others to touch lives. God began to show me how each of us are unique and His perfect craftsmanship. I believe He gave me a picture parable about this very thing to encourage those who have trouble seeing God at work using them in the way He chooses.

I saw a wound that was the result of someone falling on the ground and getting dirt and stones packed into their wound. I saw each of us as part of the process that has to take place to heal the wound. First you have to convince them that the wound needs to be tended, then the dirt and stones have to be carefully picked out, then the wound must be washed, next disinfectant must be applied, then salve, then a bandage, some tears might need to be wiped away. That is not the end of it, next the wound must be kept clean and the more salve and bandages applied periodically until the wound is healed.

God showed me that when somebody comes in the church, usually very wounded, they are there most of the time because somebody spent agonizing time on their knees pleading for their salvation. Next the ministers, either through preaching or prophetic ministry speak words that touch their hearts, they go to the altar and people gather around them to show love and support. The minister speaks into their brokenness, then maybe somebody else has a word to encourage them, somebody else lays hands on their shoulders and prays in the spirit, or weeps with them, etc. etc. etc. Each person ministers from what God has placed within them and each part is important to God and important to the person receiving ministry. No one part is more important than the other, each part is valuable and life giving. Even a hug makes a big difference to somebody who needs one, which we all do, taking them into our lives for fellowship is essential, some are called to hospitality, love looks like something.

It is time we stop wanting to be something other than what God created us to be. We need to know our calling. What is that you have in your hand? Use it to the fullest. The bible says the parts that we give the least honor to are the most honorable. In other words the person that groaned and wept over that person just might be the most significant part in the process and they don’t even know it. There should be no competitive spirit in the Body of Christ. No jockeying for position. We need to see that God has put what He wants us to use right within our grasp. We have this treasure in earthen vessels that the glory might go to the Lord. We need to use our one, two, or three talents wisely and not count them as worthless. We each have our part to play. Let’s start presenting ourselves to God to use in any way He may choose. The bible does say desire the best gifts, but the best gift is love.

I felt to encourage those who get discouraged because they don’t think they are being used to keep your eyes on Jesus, stay in the Word, worship with all your heart and then rivers of living water will flow out to refresh and free all those around you. Jesus just walked through life and ministered as He went, so must we. The fields are white unto harvest everywhere we go. Let us all thank God for what He has placed within us and know that the Master-builder does all things well. 

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